高压合成新型量子序物质   发现"111"型铁基高温超导体  美国“今日物理”介绍我组发现的"111"型铁基超导






实验设备介绍(Research Facilities Intruduction)

High pressure synthesis facility I (20 GPa,2000K)
(Six over eight multi anvils; two stage)


High pressure synthesis facility II (6 GPa,2000K)
(Cubic Anvils; single stage)


Diamond anvil cell (at Megabar level)



The diamond anvil cell system for the in-situ measurement of high pressure electric properties


High pressure ruby calibration system



The diamond anvil cell (at Megabar level) combining with Mag Lab system for the measurement of electric & magnetic properties at low temperature (1.5K) high magnetic field (9T)


Renishaw Micro-Raman Spectroscopy System


Laser drilling system



中科院物理所 极端条件实验室 EX5组 版权所有©2004-2011
地址: 中国北京市中关村南三街8号 邮编: 100190
Group EX5,Key Laboratory of Extreme Conditions Physics, The Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Tel: 010-82649163, 82648041 Email: Jin@iphy.ac.cn