1. X. C. Wang, Q. Q. Liu, Y. X. Lu, W. B. Gao, L. X. Yang, F. Y. Li, R. C. Yu, C. Q. Jin, “The superconductivity at 18 K in LiFeAs system”, Solid State Communications 148, 538 (2008)
(Citation: >950, as of Oct 2024)
Highlighted by Prof. Hosono who discovered the first iron based superconductor (J. Phys. Soc.Jpn. 78, 062001, 2009).
Highlighted by a feature article of Physics Today, 62, 36 (2009)
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2. M.R. Li , M. Croft , P. W. Stephens , M. Ye , D. Vanderbilt , M. Retuerto , Z. Deng , C. P. Grams , J. Hemberger , J. Hadermann , W.M. Li , C.Q. Jin , F. O. Saouma , J. I. Jang , H. Akamatsu , V. Gopalan , D. Walker and M. Greenblatt, “Mn2FeWO6 : a New Ni3TeO6 -Type Polar and Magnetic Oxide”, Advanced Materials 27, 2177 (2015)
3. T. Ma, H. Li, X. Zheng, S. M. Wang, X. C. Wang, H. Z. Zhao, S. B. Han, J. Liu, R. F. Zhang, P. W. Zhu, Y. W. Long, J. G. Cheng, Y. M. Ma, Y. S. Zhao, C. Q. Jin and X. H. Yu, “Ultrastrong Boron Frameworks in ZrB12: A Highway for Electron Conducting”,Advanced Materials 29, 1604003 (2017)
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5. L. Zhou, J. H. Dai, Y. S. Chai, H. M. Zhang, S. Dong, H. B. Cao, S. Calder, Y. Y. Yin, X. Wang, X. D. Shen, Z. H. Liu, T. Saito, Y. Shimakawa, H. Hojo, Y. Ikuhara, M. Azuma, Z. W. Hu, Y. Sun, C. Q. Jin and Y. W. Long, "Realization of Large Electric Polarization and Strong Magnetoelectric Coupling in BiMn3Cr4O12", Advanced Materials 29, 1703435 (2017)
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7. M. Retuerto, T. Emge, J. Hadermann, P. W. Stephens, M. R. Li, Z. P. Yin, M. Croft, A. Ignatov, S. J. Zhang, Z. Yuan, C. Jin, J. W. Simonson, M. C. Aronson, A. Pan, D. N. Basov, G. Kotliar, and M. Greenblatt, “Synthesis and Properties of Charge-Ordered Thallium Halide Perovskites CsTlX3 (X = F or Cl): Theoretical Precursors for Superconductivity”, Chemistry of Materials 25, 4071 (2013)
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11. H.Y. Zheng, L.J. Wang, K. Li, Y.Y. Yang, Y.J. Wang, J.J. Wu, X. Dong, C.H. Wang, C.A. Tulk, J.J. Molaison, I.N. Ivano, M. Feygenson, W.G. Yang, M. Guthrie, Y.S. Zhao, H.K. Mao, C.Q. Jin, “Pressure induced polymerization of acetylide anions in CaC2 and 107 folds enhancement of electrical conductivity”, Chemical Science 8, 298 (2017)
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14. M. R. Li, P. W. Stephens, M. Croft, Z. Deng, W. M. Li, C. Q. Jin, M. Retuerto, J. P. Hodges, C. E. Frank, M. X. Wu, D. Walker and M. Greenblatt, "Mn-2(Fe0.8Mo0.2)MoO6: A Double Perovskite with Multiple Transition Metal Sublattice Magnetic Effects", Chem. Mater. 30, 4508 (2018)
15. Z. Deng, M. Retuerto, S. Liu, M. Croft, P. W. Stephens, S. Calder, W. Li, B. Chen, C. Jin, Z. Hu, M.-R. Li, H.-J. Lin, T.-S. Chan, C.-T. Chen, S. W. Kim and M. Greenblatt, "Dynamic Ferrimagnetic Order in a Highly Distorted Double Perovskite Y2CoRuO6", Chem. Mater. 30, 7047 (2018)
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25. K. Lu, X. He, C. L. Zhang, Z. W. Li, S. J. Zhang, B. S. Min, J. Zhang, J. F. Zhao, L. C. Shi, Y. Peng, S. M. Feng, Q. Q. Liu, J. Song, R. C. Yu, X. C. Wang, Y. Wang, M. Bykov, and C. Q. Jin, "Superconductivity with Tc 116 K Discovered in Antimony Polyhydrides", Natl Sci Rev 11, nwad241 (2024)
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