International Symposium of New Materials at Extreme Conditions

Nov. 6-8, 2015, Beijing, China

General Information

1. Visa application

If you need an invitation letter for Visa application, please contact Conference Organizing Committee at email address: ""

2. Venue

The workshop will be held at Insititute of Physics CAS. The map is shown below.
Address: No.8, 3rd South Street, Zhongguancun, Haidian District, Beijing 100190, China.

From the Airport to HOTELS

Since it is quite straightforward to get to the Wuke Hotel (物科) from the Beijing International Airport by Taxi, we will NOT arrange pick-up at the Airport. The driving distance from the Beijing International Airport to the Hotel is about 30 kilometers. The Taxi fare is about 100 RMB Yuan.

  • To Wuke hotel
  • Please print the following message and visitors' version map, then show them to the taxi driver.

    (Please drive me to WuKe Hotel)

    电话(tel):+86 10 82649140
    路线(route):北四环东向西, 保福寺桥左转入中关村东路
         前行100米右转, 进中科院物理所院内

    3. Misc

    Local Contact:

    If you have any inquery, please contact at address: