(Superconductivity discovered in niobium polyhydride at high pressures)
X. He, C. L. Zhang, Z. W. Li, K. Lu, S. J. Zhang, B. S. Min, J. Zhang, L. C. Shi, S. M. Feng, Q. Q. Liu, J. Song, X. C. Wang, Y. Peng, L. H. Wang, V. B. Prakapenka, S. Chariton, H. Z. Liu, and C. Q. Jin
Mater Today Phys 40, 101298 (2024)
Highlight: 中科院物理所(IOP)
Niobium polyhydride was synthesized at high pressure and high temperature conditions by using diamond anvil cell combined with in situ high pressure laser heating techniques. High pressure electric transport experiments demonstrate that superconducting transition occurs with critical temperature(Tc) 42 K at 187 GPa. The shift of Tc as function of external applied magnetic field is in consistent to the nature of superconductivity while the upper critical field at zero temperature μ0Hc2(0) is estimated to ~16.8 T while the GL coherent length ~57 angstrom is estimated. The structure investigation using synchrotron radiation implies that the observed superconductivity may come from Fm-3m phase of NbH3.