极端条件物理重点实验室——EX5组 >>> 新闻板


靳常青研究员当选国际晶体学联合会(IUCr)材料晶体学委员会(Crystallgraphy of Materials)顾问

     根据国际晶体学联合会执委会讨论批准,国际晶体学联合会材料晶体学委员会(Commission on Crystallography of Materials)于2012年8月成立,靳常青研究员当选材料晶体学委员会首批顾问(http://www.iucr.org/resources/commissions/crystallography-of-materials)(http://www.iucr.org )。



Prof. Changqing JIN was selected as Consultant of the newly established Commission on Crystallography of Materials of International Union of Crystallography

   At its meeting in Boston in 2012 the Executive Committee of the IUCr established an ad interim Commission on Crystallography of Materials, Prof. Changqing JIN was selected as the Consultant of the Commission (http://www.iucr.org/resources/commissions/crystallography-of-materials)( http://www.iucr.org ) .