Publications in (2001)

1.H. D. Yang, J.-Y. Lin, H. H. Li, F. H. Hsu, C. J. Liu, S.-C. Li, R.-C. Yu, and C.-Q. Jin, "Order Parameter of MgB2 : A Fully Gapped Superconductor"
Phys.Rev.Lett 87 (2001) 167003

2. J.L.Zhu, R.C.Yu,F.YLi, Z.Zhang and C.Q.Jin "Study of Phase Components of La1.5Ca1.5Mn2O7"
J. Mater. Res. 16 (2001) 2027

3. J.L. Zhu, R.C. Yu, F.Y Li, Z.Zhang and C.Q. Jin "Phase Transition in Layered Perovskite-like Manganates Ca3Mn2O7 Under High Pressure"
Inter. J. Mod. Phys. B 18 (2001) 2491

4. R.C.Yu, S.C.Li,, Y.Q.Wang, X.Kong, J.L.Zhu,, X.F.Duan, Z.Zhang, and C.Q.Jin "EELS studies of MgB2 superconductor obtained under high pressure"
Physica C 363 (2001) 184

5. R. C. Yu, S. Y. Li, J. L. Zhu, F. Y. Li, Z. Zhang, C. Q. Jin, I. G. Voigt-Martin "Ideal n=3 phase Ca4Mn3O10 of Ruddlesden-Popper series obtained usinghigh pressure and high temperature"
J Apply. Phys 90 (2001) 6302

6. J. Q. Li, C. Q. Jin, and H. B. Zhao "Structural and physical properties of double- layered manganites La2-2xCa1+2xMn2O7with 0.5≦x≦1.0"
Phys. Rev. B 64 (2001) 20405

7. Li Feng-ying, Chen Liang-chen, Wang Li-jun, Gu Hui-cheng, Wang Ru-ju, Che Rong- zheng, Shen Zhong-yi "Pressure Induced Phase Transition in TiB"
Chin.Phys.Lett 18 (2001) 1240

8. Wang Ru-ju, Li Feng-ying, Qin Zhi-cheng, Wang Wei-hua "Third-Order Elastic Constants and Anharmonic Properties of the ZrTiCuNiBe Bulk Metallic Glass"
Chin.Phys.Lett 18 (2001) 414

9. Chen Liang-chen, Wang Li-jun, Tang Dong-sheng, Xie Si-shen, Jin Chang-qing "X-ray diffraction study of carbon nanotubes under high pressure"
Chin.Phys.Lett 18 (2001) 577

10. S.C.Li,, J.L.Zhu, R.C.Yu, F.Y.Li, Z.X.Liu,and C.Q.Jin "High Pressure synthesis of MgB2 superconductor with Tc above 39 K"
Chin. Phys 10 (2001) 338

11. S.C.Li, R.J.Wang, F.Y.Li, Z.X.Liu, J.L.Zhu, R.C.Yu and C.Q.Jin "Ultrasonic properties of the MgB2 superconductor"
Chin. Phys. Lett 18 (2001) 1369

12. J.L.Zhu, S.C.Li, R.C.Yu, F.Y.Li, Z.X.Liu and C.Q.Jinigh "pressure and high- temperature synthesis of MgB2 and its superconductivity"
Chin. Sci. Bulletin 46 (2001) 1932

13. 朱嘉林,李绍春,禹日成,李凤英,刘振兴,靳常青"MgB2的高压高温合成及其超导电性"
科学通报 46 (2001) 1254

14.朱嘉林,陈良辰,禹日成,李凤英,刘景,靳常青 "层状钙钛矿结构锰氧化物Ca3Mn2O7的结构相变"
高压物理学报 15 (2001) 87

15. 李绍春,朱嘉林,禹日成,李凤英,刘振兴,靳常青"MgB2超导体块材的高压合成"
高压物理学报 15 (2001) 226

16. 陈良辰,王莉君,唐东升,觧思深,靳常青"高压下碳纳米管的X射线衍射研究"
高压物理学报 15 (2001) 1

17. 王汝菊,李立龙,汪卫华"金属玻璃的弹性性能与显微结构的分析与监测"
声学学报 20 (2001) 129

18. W.H.Wang, R.J.Wang, O.Y.Dai, D.Q.Zhao, M.X.Pan, Y.S.Yao "Pressure induced amorphization of ZrTiCuNiBe bulk glass forming aliioy"
Appl.Phys.Lett. 79 (2001) 1106

19. W.H.Wang, R.J.Wang, Guo Jing Fan, Juergen Eckert "Formation and properties of Zr- (Ti,Nb)-Cu-Ni-Al bulk metallic glasses"
Mater.Trans. 42 (2001) 587

20. W.H. Wang, L.L. Li, M.X.Pan, R.J. Wang "Characteristics of the glass transition and supercooled liquid state of the Zr41Ti14Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 bulk metallic glass"
Phys.Rev.B 63 (2001) 052204

21. Yong Zhang, Y.F.Ji, D.Q.Zhao,Y.X.Zhuang, R.J.Wang, M.X.Pan, Y.D.Dong, W.H.Wang "Glass forming ability and properties of Zr/Nb- based bulk metallic glasses"
Scripta materials 44 (2001) 1107

22. Wei Hua Wang, Ping Wen, Li Min Wang, Yong Zhang, Ming Xiang Pan, De Qian Zhao, and Ru Ju Wang "Equation of state of bulk metallic glasses studied by an ultrasonic method"
Appl.Phys.Lett 79 (2001) 3947



1. "High pressure synthesis and property studies of MgB2 superconductor" International Conference on High Pressure Science and Technology(Airapt-18), July 23-27, 2001, Beijing 2001 C. Q. Jin,et al.(invited)

2. "Studies of the Ca4Mn3O10 structure obtained using high pressureand high temperature" Airapt-18,20012001 R.C.Yu, S.Y.Li, J.L.Zhu, F.Y.Li, Z.Zhang, C.Q.Jin, I.G.Voigt-Martin(oral)

3. "Pressure effects on the transport properties of layered perovskite La1.0Ca2.0Mn2O7" Airapt-18,2001 ,2001 J.L. Zhu, Z.X.Liu, R.C. Yu, F.Y Li and C.Q. Jin(oral)

4. "Electrical properties equation of state and phase transitions in La1.0Ca2.0Mn2O7 under high pressure" Airapt-18,2001 ,2001 J.L.Zhu, Z.X.Bao, R.C.Yu, F.Y.Li and C.Q. Jin

5. "TEM studies of C3N4H4 treated by high pressureand high temperature" Airapt-18,2001 ,2001 R.C.Yu, L.C.Chen, J.L.Zhu, F.Y.Li, Z.X.Liu, Z.C.Qin, T.N.Yu, C.Q.Jin, X.F.Duan, Z.Zhang

6. "The in-situ high pressure studies of MgB2 superconductor" Airapt-18,2001 ,2001 Z.-X. Liu, C.-Q. Jin, J.-Y. You, S.-C. Li, J.-L. Zhu, R.-C. Yu, F.Y. LI and S.-K. Su

7. "Magnetic and magnetoresistance properties of La0.825Sr0.175MnO3 powder compact" Airapt-18,2001 ,2001 Li Feng-ying, Jin Chang-qing, Zhao Hai-bao, Zhu Jia-lin, Wang Ai-hua, Yu Ri-cheng

8."x-raydiffractionstudyof carbon nanotubes under high pressure"Airapt-18,2001 ,2001 L. C. Chen, L. J. Wang, D. S. Wang, J. Liu, S. S. Xie, C. Q. Jin

9. "The frequency effect of velocity and attenuation on Zr41.2Ti13.8Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 bulk metallic glass under high pressure" Airapt-18, 2001 ,2001 Wang Ruju, Li Fengying, Wang Weihua, Qin Zhicheng